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After helping kill the Keystone Pipeline, Budzinski now campaigning on ‘energy independence’

Given the latest global events surrounding a murderous tyrant in Russia – who America buys oil from – invading another sovereign country in Ukraine, it’s not surprising that the anointed Democrat candidate in Illinois’ 13th congressional district has made the political calculus to campaign on American energy independence.

Candidate Nikki Budzinki makes a pledge on her website to reduce “our dependence on foreign energy from unstable regimes around the world.”

There’s just one problem for the carpetbagging Budzinski – in her former role within President Joe Biden’s administration, Budzinzki led the implementation of Biden’s executive order canceling the Keystone Pipeline which would have directly aided in America becoming less dependent on oil from “unstable regimes around the world.” The pipeline would have carried hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil every day from Canada into the United States. 


“Nikki Budzinzki is a longtime political hack who personally helped implement a plan to make America more dependent on foreign oil from unstable regimes. Now she’s running for office claiming to do the exact opposite,” said ILGOP Executive Director Shaun McCabe. “Budzinski is wildly out of touch with the families of Central Illinois and the Metro East. That’s not surprising since she’s never lived there and calls Chicago and DC home.”


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