CHICAGO — Former Illinois State Representative LaToya Greenwood’s reelection effort is hitting a roadblock as her petitions are being challenged following a history of fraud in the area surrounding fake signatures on official election documents. ILGOP Chairman Don Tracy called attention to this problem late last year after concerns were raised over forged write in ballots in the Democratic Party Primary in Madison County, after election judges from both political parties observed suspicious signatures on write-in ballots in a judicial contest.
The objection takes particular issue with the signatures collected by a number of circulators, including Greenwood herself.
Wavey Lester, the district resident leading the objection to Greenwood’s signatures, released the following statement:
“Having lived in the Metro East area for many years, I have seen too often incidents of corruption and fraud go unreported. As a military veteran, I can no longer watch as another career politician tries to take advantage of our system. No one deserves to be on the ballot if they or their campaign use corrupt or dishonest means to get there. That is why I am filing this objection, the people of East St. Louis and the 114th District deserve honest and trustworthy candidates for office who will genuinely advocate for our interests.”