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Madigan Democrats Should Stop Holding Schoolchildren Hostage

Mike Madigan and his allies in Springfield are holding schoolchildren hostage for a $500 billion Chicago bailout. They’re refusing to release SB1, the education funding bill, to Governor Rauner’s desk for an amendatory veto to release school funding and remove the bailout.

They are trying to use our children’s education as a leverage for Madigan’s Chicago bailout.

It’s wrong, and editorial boards across Illinois are calling them out for it.

The Belleville News-Democrat editorial board is calling it “legislative extortion”.

“Send the bill to the governor now. Let him use his amendatory veto, and put it to a vote now.”

The Southern Illinoisan editorial board wrote this weekend that, “Some things need to be above politics. Educating our children should be at the top of the list.”

“Take out the Chicago pension funding provision and get the bill to the governor’s desk.”

Mike Madigan – it’s time to release education funding and drop your Chicago bailout.


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