Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider issued the following statement after Governor…
“Biss, Kennedy and Pritzker have repeatedly declined to say what the rates or income levels…
J.B. Pritzker continues to struggle to answer questions about his ties to Mike Madigan and Rod…
In 2013, Durbin said it takes “cowardice” to allow a government shutdown to occur, now…
Straub’s supporters launch an ad featuring testimonials from “neighbors” whose…
J.B. Pritzker is facing brutal press following yesterday’s Chicago Sun-Times editorial board…
Look for Pritzker, Democrats “to be vague on the question of rates because to be specific…
Pritzker’s new TV ad touts his “detailed plan” to hike taxes…
Pritzker among the machine politicians “hiding” from the Berrios question 2018 brings…
Another investigation reveals that Pritzker supporter Joe Berrios’ office is plagued by…