Nathan Reitz Must Follow Jerry Costello’s Lead and Oppose the Graduated Income Tax

One of the last votes Nathan Reitz’s father, former State Rep. Dan Reitz, took was Madigan’s 2011 tax hike; now, Pritzker and Madigan want Nathan Reitz’s first vote to be yet another tax hike

“The fix is in. One of the last votes Nathan Reitz’s father, former State Rep. Dan Reitz, took was Mike Madigan’s 2011 tax hike. Now, Pritzker and Madigan want one of the first votes of Nathan Reitz to be yet another tax hike on Illinois families and small businesses. Tax-hiking is the Reitz family business. Reitz must follow Jerry Costello’s lead and oppose the Pritzker-Madigan-backed graduated income tax. If Reitz supports the tax hike, voters and taxpayers will make Reitz’s tenure in the General Assembly a short one.” – Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider

Moments ago, Democratic county chairmen in the 116th House District voted to appoint Nathan Reitz, son of former State Rep. Dan Reitz, to the vacancy created by former State Rep. Jerry Costello’s resignation. Costello resigned to take an appointment from Governor J.B. Pritzker in the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

J.B. Pritzker and Mike Madigan are looking for a vote in support of their tax-hiking agenda, and they think Nathan Reitz is their guy. One of the very first votes Reitz may take before the end of May is on a constitutional amendment to repeal Illinois’ flat income tax and authorize a graduated income tax. Jerry Costello was one of the first Democrats in the Illinois House of Representatives to oppose the graduated income tax.

Unfortunately, tax-hiking is the Reitz family business. One of the very last votes Nathan Reitz’s father, former State Rep. Dan Reitz, took was Mike Madigan’s 2011 tax hike. After voting for Madigan’s tax hike, Dan Reitz decided he would rather not seek re-election than face voters the following November. The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board published an editorial in 2012 on “tax-hiker” Dan Reitz and others for pushing false premises for the income tax hike.

Now, Pritzker and Madigan want one of Nathan Reitz’s first votes to be yet another tax hike on Illinois families and small businesses. Nathan Reitz must follow Jerry Costello’s lead and oppose the graduated income tax and all associated legislation. If Reitz supports the Pritzker-Madigan tax hike, voters and taxpayers will make Reitz’s tenure in the General Assembly a short one.


ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider Statement On Illinois Senate Democrats’ Tax Hike Vote

Moments ago, Illinois Senate Democrats voted unanimously to put a referendum before Illinois voters in the 2020 General Election which, if passed, would repeal the flat income tax provision in the state constitution. Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider released the following statement in response:

“Today’s vote from Senate Democrats empowers J.B. Pritzker, Mike Madigan, and the Democrats in power to raise taxes and spend more instead of passing the economic reforms our state desperately needs. Giving politicians like Pritzker and Madigan a blank check to raise taxes will only make our state’s problems worse. Higher taxes, more borrowing, and increased spending – that is all Illinois Democrats have to offer, and taxpayers can’t afford it. They refuse to change, and we will make sure voters hold them accountable for it.”

BREAKING: Governor J.B. Pritzker Is Under Federal Criminal Investigation

Feds are looking into Pritzker for his toilet removal “scheme to defraud” Cook County taxpayers, which lowered the property taxes on his multi-million dollar Chicago mansion by $331,000

“An Illinois governor under federal criminal investigation 101 days into office must be a new record – even for Illinois. We already knew Pritzker was a serial tax dodger. He stashes millions offshore in zero-tax Bahamas bank accounts and took the toilets out of his Chicago mansion to dodge over $330,000 in property taxes. The Cook County Independent Inspector General called it ‘a scheme to defraud’ taxpayers. Yet Pritzker continues to push tax hikes on Illinois families and businesses – absurd hypocrisy from Pritzker.

“J.B. Pritzker can’t be trusted. Pritzker must immediately cease all of his efforts to raise taxes, including his graduated income tax, because he’s under federal criminal investigation for not paying his own taxes.”
– Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider

A law enforcement source has revealed that Governor J.B. Pritzker, his wife, and brother-in-law are under federal criminal investigation for their Chicago mansion toilet removal “scheme to defraud” Cook County taxpayers. Last year, it was revealed that Pritzker, who is worth $3.5 billion, removed the toilets in his Chicago mansion so he could lower his property tax bill by $331,000.

WBEZ broke the story:

“Democratic Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, his wife and his brother-in-law are under federal criminal investigation for a dubious residential property tax appeal that dogged him during his gubernatorial campaign last year, WBEZ has learned.

” …The developments demonstrate that the billionaire governor and his wife may face a serious legal threat arising from their controversial pursuit of a property tax break on a 126-year-old mansion they purchased next to their Gold Coast home.

“A Cook County inspector general’s report, first published by the Chicago Sun-Times, later found MK Pritzker directed workers to remove all toilets from the mansion in order to have it declared “uninhabitable,” which gave the Pritzkers a huge property tax break. The report also found that Lovely and the governor’s brother-in-law, Thomas J. Muenster, made “false representations” on tax appeal documents.

“The county watchdog said all of that amounted to a “scheme to defraud” taxpayers out of more than $331,000.”

Pritzker is a serial tax dodger. In addition to his “scheme to defraud” Cook County property taxpayers, Pritzker has parked millions of dollars offshore in zero-tax Bahamas, dodging an untold amount of taxes – absurd hypocrisy from tax-hiking Pritzker.

J.B. Pritzker must immediately cease his efforts to raise taxes, including his graduated income tax, because he’s under federal criminal investigation for not paying his own taxes.


J.B. Pritzker Walks Back Pledge To Veto Politically-Drawn Legislative District Maps

Last year, Pritzker pledged to veto a map that was drawn “in any way” by legislators, political leaders, or their staffs; now, Pritzker says he will veto a map that he “[thinks] is unfair”

“Supporters of fair maps should be concerned that they must now rely on Pritzker’s personal determination of what’s ‘fair’ rather than a concrete pledge to veto gerrymandered legislative maps and enact independent redistricting reform. Pritzker walking back his fair map pledge is unfortunate, yet unsurprising. Voters always knew Pritzker had the support of Speaker Madigan, but now we know why. Pritzker is flip-flopping on fair maps so he can protect Madigan’s grip on power for another decade, overriding the will of Illinois voters. What will Pritzker’s next flip-flop be?” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

In an interview yesterday with the State Journal-Register, Governor J.B. Pritzker seemed to walk back a pledge to veto legislative redistricting maps drawn with political considerations. Pritzker said, “I would veto a map that I thought was an unfair one.”

“Unfair” is a far cry from Pritzker’s concrete pledge in 2018 to veto gerrymandered maps drawn by elected officials with political considerations.

Last year, Pritzker told Capitol Fax’s Rich Miller he would veto a map that was drawn “in any way” by legislators, political leaders, or their staffs. At the time, Miller asked gubernatorial candidates:

“Will you pledge as governor to veto any state legislative redistricting map proposal that is in any way drafted or created by legislators, political party leaders and/or their staffs or allies? The exception, of course, would be the final official draft by LRB.”

Pritzker replied:

“Yes, I will pledge to veto. We should amend the constitution to create an independent commission to draw legislative maps, but in the meantime, I would urge Democrats and Republicans to agree to an independent commission to handle creating a new legislative map…”

A bipartisan, bicameral coalition of lawmakers in the General Assembly support fair maps. The only people standing in the way of redistricting reform are Mike Madigan, John Cullerton, and now, J.B. Pritzker. It only took Pritzker 100 days in office to flip-flop on fair maps and side with Speaker Madigan over the people of Illinois.


Members of House and Senate Democratic Leadership Critical Of Pritzker’s Plan To Skip Pension Payments

Willis and Lightford join others who have spoken out against Pritzker’s proposal to skip pension payments over the next seven years, including $1.1 billion next year alone

“It’s a good sign for Illinois taxpayers and retired public employees that top Democratic lawmakers in Springfield are throwing cold water on J.B. Pritzker’s plan to skip pension payments. It’s not too late for other Democratic lawmakers to join them. Our state cannot afford a repeat of the past pension gimmicks. With the end of session rapidly approaching, Pritzker and Democratic lawmakers must rein in their unrealistic spending proposals if our state is to protect taxpayers and meet its obligations to public employees and retirees.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

In a misguided effort to increase spending while attempting to close Illinois’ multi-billion dollar budget deficit, Governor J.B. Pritzker has proposed reducing state payments to the state’s five public pension systems for the next seven years. Pritzker’s administration has refused to detail what the total cost of the pension holiday would be to taxpayers in the long-term. One analysis shows that just next year alone, Pritzker is proposing a $1.1 billion reduction in pension payments. Skipping pension payments threatens the integrity of our state’s pension system while exposing taxpayers to increased liabilities in the future.

Capitol Fax’s
Rich Miller recently called Pritzker’s proposal “preposterous.”

And Pritzker’s plan was not received well by some top Democratic lawmakers in the Illinois General Assembly:

House Majority Conference Chairperson Kathleen Willis: “[W]e don’t want to repeat history. We don’t want to see this. We’re open to ideas. But that doesn’t necessarily mean this idea.”

Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford: “I hope that [skipping pension payments] isn’t the desired goal.”

Willis and Lightford aren’t the first to speak out against Pritzker’s pension holiday. Here’s what others have said, including some groups who have been aligned with Democrats in the past:

Joint statement by the Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT) and the Illinois Education Association (IEA): “IFT and IEA oppose underfunding of the pension systems. While we support many of the concepts in the Governor’s proposal, like the sale of pension obligation bonds and re-amortization of the unfunded liability, we would urge that those concepts be implemented in a way that doesn’t fall short of the FY20 required payment.”

Unanimous statement by the Teachers’ Retirement System Board of Trustees: “TRS opposes any Fiscal 2020 budget for the state of Illinois that will appropriate to the System less than $4,813,577,696, the contribution calculated under state pension funding law and certified by the System on January 14, 2019. TRS opposes any extension of the target date currently in statute for the System to reach 90 percent funding. The target should remain no later than fiscal year 2045.”

Illinois Retired Teachers Association President Roger Hampton: “Delaying pension payments just kicks the can down the road again and costs future generations of Illinois taxpayers (if any left) billions of dollars.”

Illinois Retired Teachers Association Executive Director Jim Bachman: “This is the same road that we’ve gone down many times… [Pritzker] said it was his intent to be putting more into the system, if possible, to reduce that debt, but in lieu of that we went the opposite way.”


The DCCC Doubles Down On Betsy Londrigan’s Tax Reform Lies

The DCCC and Betsy Londrigan are peddling lies about the positive economic effects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act 

Democrats in Washingtion at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Betsy Londrigan spent the 2018 campaign cycle peddling a lie that middle class families in IL-13 and across America were not benefiting from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Now, the DCCC is doubling down on this lie with paid advertising even as writers for the New York Times wrote, “To a large degree, the gap between perception and reality on the tax cuts appears to flow from a sustained – and misleading – effort by liberal opponents of the law to brand it as a broad middle-class tax increase.”

The data shows average tax liabilities are down 24.9 percent, two-thirds of American workers paid less, according to the Tax Policy Center, and our economy continues to grow.

“Middle class families in Illinois are saving because Washington is taking less out of their paychecks,” said Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot. “Democrats in Washington and Betsy Londrigan need to stop lying about tax reform and be honest: Americans at every income level owe less because Republicans like Rodney Davis chose tax cuts and economic growth over tax hikes and the status quo.”

More on Londrigan’s lies about tax reform:

WGLT: “It’s that middle-class working families are losing with that tax bill.”

WGLT: Speaking before her October 4th rally in Bloomington, Londrigan said constituents in the 13th District “are very aware that that tax scam and the benefits from it were not for them.”

WGLT: Londrigan misleading voters by saying: “83 percent of the benefits went to the wealthiest, corporations, and special interests. It was not a middle-class tax cut.”

State Journal-Register: Londrigan said the economic boom has not reached everyone, however, calling it “a giveaway to corporations and special interests.”


Self-Described “Absolutely Not” Socialist Betsy Londrigan Must Answer For Her Past Statements And Her Party’s March Towards Socialism

Democrats have moved even further to the left since Londrigan last ran for Congress; where does she stand on impeaching President Trump, the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and her party’s radical abortion agenda?

“In a lame attempt to distance herself from her past statements and the Democratic Party’s march towards Socialism, Betsy Londrigan says she’s “absolutely not” a Socialist, but voters in the 13th District won’t be fooled. Now that Londrigan is officially a Democratic candidate for Congress again, she must let voters know whether or not she will take part in the Democratic Party’s far-left, Socialist policy agenda – impeaching President Trump, the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and a radical expansion of abortion.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

Today, Betsy Londrigan announced her intent to run for Congress again in the 13th Congressional District.

In her announcement interview with the State Journal-Register, Londrigan said she is “absolutely not” a Socialist, but Londrigan has previously voiced her support for many of the policies pushed by the rapidly growing Socialist wing of the Democratic Party.

So where does Betsy Londrigan stand on these issues now?

Impeaching President Trump
In 2018, Betsy Londrigan said, “All systems point to a Trump impeachment and I’d be on board with that.” Earlier this year, one House Democrat introduced the articles of impeachment against President Trump.

Does Londrigan still believe President Trump should be impeached?

The Green New Deal

New York City Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new standard bearer of the radical left in the Democratic Party. Her key issue has been the so-called Green New Deal, which would be a huge government takeover of major sectors of the American economy, requiring trillions of dollars in new taxes.

The Green New Deal would outlaw fossil fuels, destroy millions of jobs, create huge, new entitlement programs, and bankrupt our country. One group said the Green New Deal will cost between $51 trillion and $93 trillion over 10 years.

Londrigan was previously endorsed by the Sierra Club, co-authors and supporters of the Green New Deal. Does Londrigan agree with the Sierra Club on the Green New Deal? Would she support Ocasio-Cortez’s resolution?

Medicare for All
Liberal Democrats led by self-described Socialist Bernie Sanders are pushing a complete government takeover of healthcare, known as “Medicare for All.” In reality, their plan would be Medicare for none.

Over 100 Democratic members of Congress support a version of the plan which would “largely outlaw private health insurance.” The Mercatus Center at George Mason University says “Medicare for All” would cost taxpayers over $32.6 trillion over 10 years.

In 2018, Betsy Londrigan called Medicaid-for-All a “great plan.” Given the massive cost to taxpayers and abolishing of private health insurance, does Londrigan support Medicare for All? If so, how would she pay for it?

Radical Abortion Agenda
Democrats in Illinois, New York, Virginia and elsewhere are pushing a radical expansion of abortion. Here in Illinois, Democrats want to legalize late-term abortions and force private health insurance plans to cover abortion services. In Virginia, their Democratic governor voiced his support for post-birth infanticide.

Republicans in Congress have been fighting back against the Democrat’s radical abortion agenda. In the Senate, Republicans have pushed legislation to outlaw infanticide. And in the House, Republicans are whipping votes to force a floor vote on similar legislation.

Where does Betsy Londrigan stand on her party’s radical abortion agenda? Does she support late-term abortion and infanticide, or does she support Republican efforts to protect life?


ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider Responds To J.B. Pritzker’s Proposed Constitutional Language For Graduated Income Tax

Moments ago, Governor J.B. Pritzker and Democratic lawmakers released proposed constitutional amendment language to enact a graduated income tax. Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider Released the following statement in response:

“Governor J.B. Pritzker is a tax-hiking hypocrite. He’s pushing an indefinite number of tax hikes on Illinois families and businesses, yet he dodged hundreds of thousands of dollars in property taxes on his own Chicago mansion. An independent watchdog called Pritzker’s property tax dodge a ‘scheme to defraud.’ And we all know how Pritzker offshores his business interests in the Bahamas to dodge taxes. That only scratches the surface of Pritzker’s tax-dodging schemes. When J.B. Pritzker pays his fair share, then he can sincerely ask Illinoisans to pay more. Until then, he should stop pushing tax hikes.”


ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider Responds To Dropped Charges Against Jussie Smollett

Cook County SA Kim Foxx dropped charges even though CPD said they had “overwhelming evidence” and a “rock solid case” against Smollett

Yesterday, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx dropped all sixteen charges against Jussie Smollett, a disgruntled actor who staged a hate crime against himself in an attempt to boost his own career. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson did not mince words in their criticism of Foxx’s announcement. Mayor Emanuel said that Foxx’s office “better get their stories straight” and that “this is actually making a fool of all of us.”

Yet today, Foxx is standing by her office’s decision and is now trying to justify her actions after the fact. The Chicago Tribune reported that Michelle Obama’s former Chief of Staff reached out to Foxx on behalf of Smollett to move the investigation out of the hands of the Chicago Police Department. Foxx texted with a Smollett family member and said she is “trying” to help them with the case.

The Chicago Police Department said they were “prepared for trial” with “overwhelming evidence” and had a “rock solid case” against Smollett, but Foxx’s office dropped the charges without even consulting with CPD. CPD expended an incredible amount of resources and manpower on the Smollett investigation. The Smollett case file is reported to be 8 inches thick.


Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider released the following statement in response:

“This is a textbook case of Chicago-style justice – if you have money and connections to top Democrats, you won’t face any consequences for breaking the law.

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx says her actions were standard practice and aimed towards ‘just outcomes,’ yet she blindsided the Chicago Police Department with her hastily made announcement and is now engaged in damage control. Despite ‘overwhelming’ evidence, Smollett has damaged the City’s and County’s reputation and gets off scot-free thanks to Foxx.

“By dropping the charges, Kim Foxx has squandered the hard work CPD has done on this case and has made a mockery of the criminal justice system in Cook County. She owes the people of Chicago and Cook County an apology.


Republican County Chairs Elect Laura Pollastrini to Fill 14th District Vacancy on the Illinois Republican State Central Committee

On Saturday, Laura Pollastrini of Kane County was elected to represent the 14th Congressional District on the Illinois Republican State Central Committee. The Committee is the governing body of the Illinois Republican Party and is comprised of members elected from each of Illinois’ 18 Congressional Districts.

Laura’s election followed a vacancy on the Committee after the passing of former State Central Committeeman Stan Bond. Laura previously served as Stan’s Deputy State Central Committeewoman.

Laura was elected by a weighted vote of the Republican county chairmen who represent the 14th Congressional District, which includes DeKalb, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will Counties. The weighted vote is determined by the number of Republican primary voters who cast a ballot in each county during the previous Republican Primary Election.

Applications to the position were made open to the public after Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider declared the position vacant last month. The Republican county chairmen in the district convened a meeting on Saturday and heard testimony from each of the four applicants to the position, followed by a question and answer session. After deliberation, the county chairmen elected Laura Pollastrini to the Illinois Republican State Central Committee.

“I’d like to thank the seven Republican county chairmen of the 14th Congressional District for their support and trust in me to represent the Republicans of our District on the State Central Committee,” said Laura Pollastrini. “I had an excellent mentor in Stan Bond, whose untimely death created this vacancy I have been appointed to fill. I have one primary goal, and that is to do everything within my power to continue to rebuild and strengthen the Illinois Republican Party. Illinois is a big state. We must focus on what unites us and move forward to ensure the re-election of President Trump, and the selection of strong and diverse Republican candidates to represent our Party in the 2020 Election. I look forward to working with the Republicans of the 14th District to ensure that our voices are heard by the State Party.”

“The Republican county chairmen of the 14th Congressional District ran a smooth and transparent process to fill the vacancy on the Illinois Republican State Central Committee. The chairmen acted deliberately and professionally so as to maintain their district’s representation in the Illinois Republican Party,” said Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider. “Laura Pollastrini is no stranger to the Committee, and we are excited to have her in this new role. Laura, myself, and all Illinois Republicans are ready to grow the Party across our state and elect Republicans up and down the ticket in 2020.”
