8th State Central Committee Application Period Now Open
Due to the resignation of Ryan Higgins from the Illinois Republican State Central Committee, ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider has declared a vacancy in the Illinois Republican State Central Committee’s 8th District. The 8th District Congressional Committee is responsible for appointing a new State Central Committeeman to represent the 8th District. The committee has opened the application process until 5:00 PM Monday, January 13, 2020. If you are interested in serving as the 8th District State Central Committeeman and meet all of the requirements, please submit your application to the Illinois Republican Party’s Executive Director Anthony Sarros.
Serving on the Illinois Republican State Central Committee, State Central Committeemen responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Establish, organize, and promote the operations of the Illinois Republican Party
- Attend and participate in quarterly State Central Committee meetings
- Attend local GOP meetings and functions
- Conduct the business of ILGOP State Convention
For the application, please see below