Democrat Cheri Bustos Votes Against Supporting Ethanol Producers Hurt By The Pandemic

Yesterday, Bustos voted against an amendment to COVID-19 relief legislation that would open up federal funds to biofuels producers who face unexpected market losses due to the pandemic

When she’s back home in her district, Illinois Democrat Congresswoman Cheri Bustos likes to pretend that she’s fighting for farmers and supporting ethanol, but when she’s voting on legislation in Washington, Bustos sides with Democrats who block much-needed aid for rural America.

Yesterday, Bustos voted against an amendment offered by Illinois Republican Congressman Rodney Davis to COVID-19 relief legislation that would allow producers of ethanol and other biofuels to receive direct federal financial assistance (Amendment #10Vote #6). The assistance would be available to biofuels producers who face “unexpected market losses as a result of COVID-19.”

Ethanol is critically important to the Illinois and IL-17 economies, creating over 4,000 good-paying, full-time jobs and over $5 billion in economic impact for the state, according to the Illinois Renewable Fuels Association. The pandemic has hit the agricultural economy and biofuels producers hard. Estimates from last year show that roughly half of the ethanol industry shut down due to COVID, destroying huge demand for Illinois corn growers. Biofuels producers have not recovered since, with losses upwards of $10 billion nationwide.

“Cheri ‘Beltway’ Bustos has turned her back on Illinois farmers and the critically-important ethanol industry. It’s no surprise because Bustos always sides with liberal Washington Democrats like Nancy Pelosi who continue to block much-needed aid for rural America. That’s why Pelosi put Bustos in her inner circle. For Bustos, it’s all about her Beltway connections and power – she has sold Illinois farmers out.” – ILGOP Spokesman Joe Hackler 


Praise for New ILGOP Chairman Rushes In

All corners of GOP applaud the selection of Don Tracy, leader of and major donor to the anti-progressive tax and numerous successful campaigns

Within hours of the announcement, the selection of downstate businessman and attorney Don Tracy as the new ILGOP Chairman was earning rave reviews from all corners of the party in Illinois as the right choice to unite Republicans. 

Congressman Rodney Davis (IL-13):

My good friend Don Tracy will be a great Illinois Republican Party Chairman. He understands good policy and has been active in our Party for years. Don’s unifying leadership will lead our Party to victory against Pritzker and Madigan’s Democratic Party in 2022.”

Congressman Darin Lahood (IL-18):

“Don brings a tremendous skill set, passion and a thoughtful conservative approach to the job. I wish him much success and look forward to working with him to WIN in 2022!”

Congressman Mike Bost (IL-12):

“Illinoisans have had enough of the Democrats’ destructive policies in Springfield, and I know Don’s conservative leadership will help put the GOP on a path to help fix the many challenges our state faces. I am excited to work with Don and unite our party for victory in 2022!”

Not only does the Illinois Republican congressional delegation stand behind Don, State Reps. Brad Halbrook, Blaine Wilhour, Dan Caulkins, Chris Miller, and Adam Niemerg – members of the “Eastern Bloc” – released a statement saying in part, “Despite some news reports, Don Tracy is Chairman of the Illinois Republican party because several of the most conservative legislators in the state who represent the areas with the most weighted vote were involved and backed him…Make no mistake about it- the election of Don Tracy as State Party Chairman is a big win for conservatives.”

And new Senate Republican Leader Dan McConchie added, “I am confident that Don’s business and political experience will be of great value to our party as we begin to rebuild and grow the GOP in our state.”

These great legislators join House Minority Leader Jim Durkin, John Tillman of the Illinois Policy Institute, and Paul Caprio of Illinois Family-PAC – all three of whom submitted endorsement letters during the application process – in supporting Don Tracy as leader of the party. 

In addition to elected officials and party stakeholders voicing their support, Tracy is heralded as a major player in getting some big wins for Republicans in the last election here in Illinois. One such effort was toppling Governor JB Pritzker’s signature policy proposal, the so-called ‘Fair Tax.’

Jason Heffley, the Executive Director of the Coalition to the Stop the Tax Hike Amendment, explained, saying, “As a major donor to the cause, Don Tracy was instrumental in helping us bring our message of stopping Pritzker’s tax hike amendment to voters. And through his leadership and advocacy for Illinois taxpayers, he was also able to bring others on board our coalition.”

Chairman Tracy has also been a major bundler and financier for Congressmen Rodney Davis and Darin LaHood and was asked to join the Republican Governors Association in 2019 – a group that helped win 8 of 11 targeted Governor’s races in 2020. His success in helping winning candidates and causes is what led to his decision to run for Chairman.

Chairman Tracy was appreciative of the show of support: “I cannot thank everyone enough for the kind words. In my time being involved in winning some tough and important races for Republicans, a united team with everyone rowing in the same direction was absolutely crucial. So, it’s heartening to see my message of being a Chairman for ALL Republicans resonate so quickly. The opportunities before us in 2022 will require us standing together.”


ILGOP Selects Don Tracy as Next Chairman

Springfield businessman and lawyer becomes the first downstate chairman since 1988

In December of 2020, outgoing Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider announced a transition plan in which there would be an open and transparent process for the selection of a new chairman. Today, after lengthy interviews with the three finalists, spirited discussion, and a weighted vote amongst the ILGOP State Central Committee, Don Tracy of Springfield has been chosen as the next chairman of the Illinois Republican Party and has unanimous support from the committee.

Tim Schneider immediately offered his resignation, and Don Tracy accepted the role of chairman to fill the remainder of Schneider’s term until May 2022.

Chairman Don Tracy released the following statement in response to his selection:

“I am truly honored and excited to have been chosen by the State Central Committee to serve as Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party. I want to thank each member for the opportunity to serve. I promise to lead with honesty, integrity, and the vigor we need to turn Illinois around. I also want to thank the other two finalists – Mark Shaw and Scott Gryder – for their tireless work on behalf of the Republican Party. I look forward to working with them to elect more Republicans. 

I ran for this position because I love Illinois – it’s my home – and I believe the ILGOP can be a tremendous catalyst for change in this state. The upcoming election cycle can be monumental if we seize on the tremendous opportunities before us. We have a weakened Governor who can be defeated; we have a US Senate seat to win; we are well-positioned to win back Congressional seats; we can claw back seats in the state legislature if we recruit the right candidates; and lastly, we have an historic opportunity to elect a fourth Republican to the state Supreme Court for the first time ever.

The only way we can capitalize on these opportunities in 2022 is if we unite the party. My number one priority is to give every Republican a seat at the table and give every Republican a voice. Regardless of our differences, Republicans are the only hope for turning Illinois around and keeping it from becoming a depopulated, over-taxed, and anti-police financial basket case. There’s too much at stake in 2022 to be anything less than a united band of brothers and sisters in the fight to save Illinois.

So, whatever your political leanings, wherever you live – if you want to fight corruption, restore fiscal sanity, grow our economy, and stand for law and order – you’re on our team. It’s time to suit up, work together, and bring home some wins for the people of Illinois.”

Don Tracy is a successful businessman and lawyer from Springfield, Illinois. Born and raised in rural Mt. Sterling (Brown County, Illinois), he is the oldest of twelve children. Don and his eleven siblings own the thriving family business, Dot Foods, Inc., a national redistributor of food and related products, and other national businesses. Headquartered in Mt. Sterling (population: 2,025), Dot Foods, Inc. was founded in 1960 by Don’s father and currently employs 6,000 people across the United States and Canada.

Don is the first chairman of the Illinois Republican Party from outside Chicago and the collar counties since 1988.
