GOP Candidate For Comptroller Darlene Senger Responds to Governor Bruce Rauner’s State Of The State Address

Republican Candidate for Comptroller Darlene Senger issued the following statement after Governor Bruce Rauner delivered his State of the State Address:

“I applaud the Governor’s call for common-sense, bipartisan solutions that can deliver real property tax relief for Illinois families starting with reforming the broken and corrupt property tax assessment system.  For too long, this system has benefited the insiders and connected while punishing hard-working families who only lack clout.

“The time is now for those, like Speaker Madigan and Comptroller Mendoza, who continue to defend and benefit from this broken system to either support reform — or get out of the way.”


ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider Responds to Governor Bruce Rauner’s State Of The State Address

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider issued the following statement after Governor Bruce Rauner delivered his State of the State Address:
“Today, Governor Rauner showed why he’s the right person to lead Illinois to a better future. He clearly and compellingly articulated the need to work together to find real solutions to our state’s challenges. His commitment to grow good-paying jobs, cut taxes for small businesses and hardworking families, and end the corruption in state politics is exactly what we need to unlock Illinois’ potential.”


Pritzker, Democrats Refuse To Say How High They’d Raise Taxes In Their Tax Hike Plan

“Biss, Kennedy and Pritzker have repeatedly declined to say what the rates or income levels should be under a graduated income tax”

The Democratic candidates for governor want to hike taxes again, but they still refuse to say by how much.

J.B. Pritzker, Chris Kennedy, and Daniel Biss all want to raise taxes even higher than Mike Madigan’s recent 32% income tax hike via a new graduated income tax system, but they aren’t giving out any specific details. One independent group says such a tax system would raise taxes on small businesses, Illinois’ largest source of job creation.

Recently at the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board forum, J.B. Pritzker was directly asked three times what the tax rates would be under his so-called “detailed” tax plan, and Pritzker refused to answer the question each time.

Now, the leading Democratic candidates for governor were once again asked to outline the specifics of their plan to hike taxes, but they balked yet another time.

From the Associated Press:

“The Democrats… favor replacing Illinois’ flat tax — in which all filers are taxed at the same rate — with a graduated or ‘progressive’ system in which higher earners pay higher tax rates.

“…Biss, Kennedy and Pritzker have repeatedly declined to say what the rates or income levels should be under a graduated income tax, noting it would have to be negotiated and that the decision also must include discussions about spending.”

So why are J.B. Pritzker and the other Democratic candidates for governor mum on the details of their tax hike plans?

Because to offer any specific details of higher tax rates would tie them even further to Mike Madigan and his job-killing, unpopular tax hikes.


J.B. Pritzker Struggles To Escape Blagojevich, Madigan Questions At NBC Chicago Forum

J.B. Pritzker continues to struggle to answer questions about his ties to Mike Madigan and Rod Blagojevich, with his connections to them on full display at last night’s NBC Chicago forum. Pritzker’s opponents blasted his conduct on the Blagojevich FBI tapes and his support from Madigan, and post-forum coverage almost universally framed Pritzker as a part of the Chicago political machine that both Democrats and Republicans are fed up with.

Pritzker Can’t Explain Why He Didn’t Know Blagojevich Was Under Investigation

Debate moderator Carol Marin pressed Pritzker right out of the gate, asking him “How could you not have known” that Blagojevich was under FBI investigation. Pritzker dodged that question and stumbled through to respond. Watch HERE.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports, “Pritzker again denied any wrongdoing regarding the FBI wiretap conversation with Blagojevich…’Hundreds of people were speaking with Gov. Blagojevich at the time, and the bottom line is that, frankly, I did nothing wrong,’ Pritzker said. ‘And I was never accused of anything.’”

The Associated Press even included an entire section in it’s write up on Pritzker’s Blagojevich mess, highlighting how Pritzker can be heard saying “That’s a deal I would take” on the wiretap.


“Kennedy renewed attacks on Pritzker over the recordings of him talking with the now-imprisoned Blagojevich about a possible job, saying Pritzker has become ‘the poster child for pay-to-play in this state’ and that would cause him problems in a general election.

“On the audio, Blagojevich and Pritzker discuss the possibility of Blagojevich appointing Pritzker attorney general. Pritzker is heard saying, ‘That’s a deal I would take.’ Blagojevich was later sentenced to prison for corruption.

“Pritzker reiterated that he did nothing wrong and ‘was never accused of anything’ and accused Rauner of running the ads to distract from his own ‘failed record.’

“Asked whether he should have known better than to talk to Blagojevich because prosecutors had said the Democratic governor was under investigation, Pritzker said hundreds of people spoke with him, and many more supported him.

“‘He never would have been governor of the state if people knew what he was doing.'”

Pritzker Called Out For His Ties To Mike Madigan, Opposition To Term Limits

J.B. Pritzker was blasted at the forum for his ties to Mike Madigan. ABC 7 Chicago’s post-debate coverage highlighted Pritzker’s refusal to criticize Mike Madigan or Joe Berrios, as well as Pritzker’s opposition to legislative term limits – a view also shared by Madigan.

ABC 7 Chicago reports, “It was a question to JB Pritzker about whether his reluctance to criticize Madigan and Berrios was due to his benefitting from them that turned a forum with decorum into a finger-pointing shouting match between Pritzker and Daniel Biss.”

“But when he was asked if he agreed with Governor Bruce Rauner on term limits, he said, ‘I am not in favor of term limits for everybody in the legislature.'”


Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth Shut Down Federal Government

In 2013, Durbin said it takes “cowardice” to allow a government shutdown to occur, now obstructs clean budget

Moments ago, U.S. Senate Democrats, including Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, obstructed a clean budget vote which will force a shutdown of the Federal Government. Durbin and Duckworth recklessly obstructed the budget just so they could force their partisan, political agenda on our country.

Last night, the House passed a clean budget that would keep the government open while fully-funding the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for six years. Unfortunately when that budget made it’s way to the Senate, Democrats blocked the bill. Durbin’s and Duckworth’s intransigence has dire consequences for Illinois and our country:

  • Furloughs for Department of Defense civilian staff and workers at other Federal Government departments
  • Delayed paychecks for service men and women in the armed forces and civilian government workers
  • 329,990 children in Illinois could lose their health insurance if CHIP is not reauthorized
  • Delayed critical services for our nation’s most vulnerable residents, including no new applicants for Medicare
  • Delayed welfare assistance to states
  • Delayed tax refunds for taxpayers
  • Destroyed jobs and a negative impact on the economy

But Dick Durbin is fully aware of the consequences of his actions. In 2013, when the Federal Government faced a similar shutdown situation, Durbin said allowing a shutdown to occur takes “cowardice”. Durbin also gave a nearly 14 minutes of remarks on the Senate floor describing in detail the negative consequences that a shutdown would have on our country, particularly in Illinois. Watch his 2013 remarks HERE.

Do Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth think they and their Senate Democrat colleagues are cowards for allowing “governmental chaos” or do they both have amnesia?

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider released the following statement after Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth shut down the Federal Government:

“According to Senator Dick Durbin’s own past statements on government shutdowns, he, Tammy Duckworth and their fellow U.S. Senate Democrat colleagues are cowards. Not only are they cowards, they are hypocrites. Durbin railed against shutdown tactics and their consequences a few short years ago.

“Durbin and Duckworth have forced a government shutdown even though they were fully aware of the dire consequences for our state and nation. Durbin and Duckworth are threatening our nation’s security, health, and economy all so they can force their own partisan political agenda on our country.”


Phony Republican Mickey Straub Lies About His GOP Credentials, Missed Last Three GOP Primaries

Straub’s supporters launch an ad featuring testimonials from “neighbors” whose GOP credentials are just as spotty

“Mickey Straub isn’t a ‘proud Republican’ as he says. He’s a phony Republican who makes Mike Madigan proud. After missing three consecutive Republican primaries, Straub is teaming up with Mike Madigan’s union allies in an attempt to hijack the Republican Party and keep Madigan in power. Madigan Mickey doesn’t share our Republican values and can’t be trusted.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

Mickey Straub says he’s “proud to be Republican,” but it’s all a ruse designed to trick voters and keep Mike Madigan in power.

This morning, Politico Illinois Playbook reported that Straub hasn’t voted in a single Republican primary since 2010 – not even one. There’ve been two consequential presidential primaries and a critical gubernatorial primary, yet “proud Republican” Mickey Straub was AWOL.

Now, an outside group backing Mickey Straub is running an ad featuring testimonials from “neighbors,” but their Republican credentials are just as spotty as Straub’s:

  • Jorie Peirce – voted in 2016 GOP primary, no other recent primary elections
  • Peter Smolka – voted in 2016 GOP primary, no other recent primary elections
  • Gail Demory –  voted in 2012 GOP primary, no other recent primary elections (Liberty Principles PAC misspelled her name – Gail De Mory)
  • Keith Lutz – Chicago resident and voter (can’t vote for Straub); voted in 2010 and 2012 Dem primaries, 2014 and 2016 GOP primaries

That’s why it’s no surprise phony Republican Mickey Straub is teaming up with Mike Madigan’s union allies in an attempt to hijack the Republican Party. It’s all a coordinated effort to keep Madigan in power.

It’s clear – Madigan Mickey doesn’t share our Republican values and can’t be trusted.


ICYMI: Pritzker Faces Brutal Coverage After Dodging Madigan And Blagojevich Questions At Sun-Times Forum

J.B. Pritzker is facing brutal press following yesterday’s Chicago Sun-Times editorial board forum after refusing to call for Mike Madigan’s resignation or show remorse for his conduct on the Blagojevich FBI wiretaps. Pritzker was given multiple opportunities to distance himself from both controversial politicians. Instead, he chose to dodge and hedge in a transparent attempt to avoid casting blame on his longtime political allies and take responsibility for his actions.

Following the forum, NBC Chicago reported that Pritzker “will not speak critically of Madigan or Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios.” Watch here.

Meanwhile, the Chicago Sun-Times write-up of the forum focused on Pritzker’s ties to disgraced Governor Rod Blaogjevich.

“Pritzker, a billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist, has been hit hard as of late by Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s campaign over FBI wiretaps of Pritzker’s conversations with now imprisoned former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.”

Pritzker was asked at the forum whether he had “close ties” to Blagojevich. Pritzker dodged that question, instead only saying that he regretted “the tone of portions of that conversation.” Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mark Brown labeled Pritzker’s response a “limited” and “fuzzy defense,” calling the FBI tapes a “significant problem for Pritzker.”

“To the extent Pritzker ‘rebuffed’ Blagojevich, he did so rather gently, leading to the particularly unbecoming ‘I’d do it’ segment being used in the Rauner television commercials.”

J.B. Pritzker’s ties to Mike Madigan and Rod Blagojevich represent an existential threat to his candidacy.


J.B. Pritzker Won’t Say What The Tax Rates Would Be In What He Calls “Detailed” Tax Plan

Look for Pritzker, Democrats “to be vague on the question of rates because to be specific would hand Rauner a tax-hike club he would use to beat them with”


We already know Democratic candidate for governor J.B. Pritzker loves tax hikes, just like his tax-hiking political patron, Mike Madigan.

Last April, Pritzker offered up his own tax hike plan even larger than Madigan’s 32% increase. And after Madigan’s levy became law, Pritzker said Illinois may need yet another tax increase to pay for all of his new spending.

Just last week, Pritzker released two new campaign ads touting a so-called “detailed plan” to hike taxes on Illinoisans even more under a new graduated income tax system.

The only problem? There are no details.

Pritzker’s commercials or campaign website offer no details of what the new, higher tax rates would be.

From the News-Gazette:

But look for the Democrats, excluding Daiber, to be vague on the question of rates because to be specific would hand Rauner a tax-hike club he would use to beat them with.
Demonstrating that point, Pritzker just released two more television commercials in which he endorsed the amendment without further elaboration.
So why is J.B. Pritzker mum on the details of his new tax hike plan?
Because to offer any specific details of higher tax rates would tie him even further to Mike Madigan and his massive, unpopular tax hikes.


J.B. Pritzker Doubles Down On His Promise To Hike Taxes, But Refuses To Say By How Much

Pritzker’s new TV ad touts his “detailed plan” to hike taxes, but his plan doesn’t even include tax rates

“J.B. Pritzker’s so-called ‘detailed plan’ to increase taxes is light on details because he knows he can’t make the math work for all of his new spending. Pritzker says he’ll hike taxes even higher than Madigan, but won’t say by how much. Pritzker’s tax hike plan lacks specifics because he knows it will decimate Illinois jobs and small businesses. Illinois taxpayers can’t afford J.B. Pritzker working hand in hand with Mike Madigan in Springfield to hike taxes even higher.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

Today, J.B. Pritzker’s campaign for governor released two new television ads touting a “detailed plan” to hike taxes even higher than Mike Madigan’s recent 32% tax hike.

So how detailed is Pritzker’s tax hike plan?

Not detailed at all. In fact, Pritzker’s tax hike plan doesn’t even say what the tax rates will be. He just promises that taxes will be going up, decimating Illinois small businesses in the process, as one independent group said about a similar tax hike plan.

So where exactly are J.B. Pritzker’s so-called “detailed plans” to hike taxes? How high is Pritzker willing to increase taxes? Does Pritzker think further tax hikes won’t destroy jobs or increase the exodus of Illinois families to other states? These are questions Pritzker must answer.

Since J.B. Pritzker is light on details, perhaps Illinois voters should give his political patron, Mike Madigan, a call.


J.B. Pritzker Still Refuses To Weigh In On Ally Joe Berrios’ Corrupt Property Tax Racket

Pritzker among the machine politicians “hiding” from the Berrios question

2018 brings a new year, and J.B. Pritzker is hoping that taxpayers will forget about his corrupt ally, Cook County Assessor and Democratic party boss Joe Berrios.

For years, Berrios has faced accusations of nepotism, patronage, and corruption in his assessor’s office, costing homeowners dearly, particularly those in low-income minority communities.

Just last year, the Chicago Tribune and ProPublica Illinois released a multi-part report shedding light on the corrupt practices of Berrios and how he has rigged the Cook County property tax system to benefit his political cronies at everyone else’s expense. And weeks ago, Berrios faced renewed questions of patronage in his office.

But J.B. Pritzker doesn’t want to talk about his ally Joe Berrios because Pritzker is an integral part of Berrios’ and Madigan’s corrupt property tax racket.

When will Pritzker break his silence on Berrios?

From the Chicago Tribune’s editorial:

In 2016, Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios began the year staunchly defending nepotism in his office. He began 2017 engaged in an ethics battle with the county’s inspector general. And he begins 2018 under intense scrutiny for a property assessment system that, according to a lawsuit, perpetuates institutional racism, a serious, recurring charge Berrios denies.

Most politicians would not survive with a professional record as questionable as his. But bad press has never sidelined Berrios. It hasn’t ended his political relationships either. From Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle to House Speaker Michael Madigan, Berrios’ allies protect him and campaign donors help re-elect him.

… More evidence of what all of us know:

Machine pols stick together.

… Remind us: What usually happens when politicians become too toxic for their party? When they drum up too much bad press? They get dumped. But not Berrios, who is chairman of the Cook County Democratic Party and a prolific fundraiser. So let’s call this sorry saga “The Silence of the Dems.”
Emanuel generally dodges Berrios’ miserable performance, the effects of his assessments on minority communities and the increasing controversies. When Emanuel finally spoke in mid-December, he said next to nothing: “I think there needs to be a look at it to make sure there is fairness across the system.” Preckwinkle launched an as-yet-incomplete review of the assessment process, yet she supports Berrios. J.B. Pritzker, the Democrats’ gubernatorial front-runner, routinely pivots to a different subject. White’s radio ad for Berrios begins, “Let me tell you about my friend Joe Berrios” and defends him as a protector of homeowners.

… It has been surprising, however, to watch the wagons circle to protect Berrios, again and again, year after year. Where are all the “reform-minded” progressive Democrats forcefully, publicly demanding change? Calling for his ouster? Denouncing a system that benefits the wealthy at the expense of the poor?

They’re hiding, that’s where.
