Pritzker among the machine politicians “hiding” from the Berrios question
2018 brings a new year, and J.B. Pritzker is hoping that taxpayers will forget about his corrupt ally, Cook County Assessor and Democratic party boss Joe Berrios.
For years, Berrios has faced accusations of nepotism, patronage, and corruption in his assessor’s office, costing homeowners dearly, particularly those in low-income minority communities.
Just last year, the Chicago Tribune and ProPublica Illinois released a multi-part report shedding light on the corrupt practices of Berrios and how he has rigged the Cook County property tax system to benefit his political cronies at everyone else’s expense. And weeks ago, Berrios faced renewed questions of patronage in his office.
But J.B. Pritzker doesn’t want to talk about his ally Joe Berrios because Pritzker is an integral part of Berrios’ and Madigan’s corrupt property tax racket.
When will Pritzker break his silence on Berrios?
From the Chicago Tribune’s editorial:
In 2016, Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios began the year staunchly defending nepotism in his office. He began 2017 engaged in an ethics battle with the county’s inspector general. And he begins 2018 under intense scrutiny for a property assessment system that, according to a lawsuit, perpetuates institutional racism, a serious, recurring charge Berrios denies.
Most politicians would not survive with a professional record as questionable as his. But bad press has never sidelined Berrios. It hasn’t ended his political relationships either. From Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle to House Speaker Michael Madigan, Berrios’ allies protect him and campaign donors help re-elect him.
… More evidence of what all of us know:
Machine pols stick together.
… Remind us: What usually happens when politicians become too toxic for their party? When they drum up too much bad press? They get dumped. But not Berrios, who is chairman of the Cook County Democratic Party and a prolific fundraiser. So let’s call this sorry saga “The Silence of the Dems.”
Emanuel generally dodges Berrios’ miserable performance, the effects of his assessments on minority communities and the increasing controversies. When Emanuel finally spoke in mid-December, he said next to nothing: “I think there needs to be a look at it to make sure there is fairness across the system.” Preckwinkle launched an as-yet-incomplete review of the assessment process, yet she supports Berrios. J.B. Pritzker, the Democrats’ gubernatorial front-runner, routinely pivots to a different subject. White’s radio ad for Berrios begins, “Let me tell you about my friend Joe Berrios” and defends him as a protector of homeowners.
… It has been surprising, however, to watch the wagons circle to protect Berrios, again and again, year after year. Where are all the “reform-minded” progressive Democrats forcefully, publicly demanding change? Calling for his ouster? Denouncing a system that benefits the wealthy at the expense of the poor?
They’re hiding, that’s where.