Durbin and Duckworth Vote To Deny Medical Care To Infants Who Survive Abortions

U.S. Senate Democrats block Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act as Illinois Democrats push radical abortion agenda; ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider responds


“In the not too distant past, then-Congressman Dick Durbin advocated to place limits on abortion and overturn Roe v. Wade. Now, Senator Dick Durbin is voting to deny medical care to infants who survive abortions, allowing infanticide. This is how radical the Democratic Party has become on the issue of abortion. Democrats consistently say they ‘fight’ to protect the most vulnerable, but what is more vulnerable than a newborn baby? I think we all should be able to agree that a living, breathing child recently born deserves to do just that – live.” – Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider


Yesterday, U.S. Senate Democrats blocked a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (S. 311). The legislation would have mandated that doctors provide life-saving medical care to infants who survive abortions at the end of a pregnancy. This legislation was introduced by Republican Senator Ben Sasse after the Democratic Governor of Virginia endorsed post-birth abortions and a Democratic lawmaker from Virginia pushed legislation that would authorize a mother to request an abortion during birth.

Illinois Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth opposed the legislation. Support for the legislation was bipartisan – Democratic Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Doug Jones or Alabama joined Republicans in supporting the legislation. Only Democrats opposed the legislation.

When he was a Congressman, Dick Durbin opposed abortion and said the right to an abortion is not guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and that “Roe v. Wade should be reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court. Read more about Durbin’s former pro-life position on abortion here.

Now, Illinois Democrats in Springfield, at the behest of Governor J.B. Pritzker, are pushing legislation to remove all late-term limits on abortion, eliminate statutes protecting children who are born after an unsuccessful abortion, and mandate that all private insurance plans cover abortion procedures.

According to Gallup polling from last year, Americans are evenly split in defining themselves by the “pro-life” and “pro-choice” labels. When broken down by trimester, a majority of Americans generally oppose abortions performed in the second and third trimesters of a pregnancy.

And according to a study performed by the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute, “most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.”

This is how radical the Democratic Party has become on the issue of abortion. Democrats are pushing an abortion agenda most Americans disagree with.



Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth Shut Down Federal Government

In 2013, Durbin said it takes “cowardice” to allow a government shutdown to occur, now obstructs clean budget

Moments ago, U.S. Senate Democrats, including Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, obstructed a clean budget vote which will force a shutdown of the Federal Government. Durbin and Duckworth recklessly obstructed the budget just so they could force their partisan, political agenda on our country.

Last night, the House passed a clean budget that would keep the government open while fully-funding the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for six years. Unfortunately when that budget made it’s way to the Senate, Democrats blocked the bill. Durbin’s and Duckworth’s intransigence has dire consequences for Illinois and our country:

  • Furloughs for Department of Defense civilian staff and workers at other Federal Government departments
  • Delayed paychecks for service men and women in the armed forces and civilian government workers
  • 329,990 children in Illinois could lose their health insurance if CHIP is not reauthorized
  • Delayed critical services for our nation’s most vulnerable residents, including no new applicants for Medicare
  • Delayed welfare assistance to states
  • Delayed tax refunds for taxpayers
  • Destroyed jobs and a negative impact on the economy

But Dick Durbin is fully aware of the consequences of his actions. In 2013, when the Federal Government faced a similar shutdown situation, Durbin said allowing a shutdown to occur takes “cowardice”. Durbin also gave a nearly 14 minutes of remarks on the Senate floor describing in detail the negative consequences that a shutdown would have on our country, particularly in Illinois. Watch his 2013 remarks HERE.

Do Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth think they and their Senate Democrat colleagues are cowards for allowing “governmental chaos” or do they both have amnesia?

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider released the following statement after Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth shut down the Federal Government:

“According to Senator Dick Durbin’s own past statements on government shutdowns, he, Tammy Duckworth and their fellow U.S. Senate Democrat colleagues are cowards. Not only are they cowards, they are hypocrites. Durbin railed against shutdown tactics and their consequences a few short years ago.

“Durbin and Duckworth have forced a government shutdown even though they were fully aware of the dire consequences for our state and nation. Durbin and Duckworth are threatening our nation’s security, health, and economy all so they can force their own partisan political agenda on our country.”


Durbin and Duckworth Think Franken Sexual Assault Allegations Are “Unacceptable,” But Are Keeping His Dirty Campaign Cash Anyways

For Durbin and Duckworth, it’s all about the money, regardless of who gets hurt

It’s been nearly two weeks since Democrats “scrambled to contain the fallout” from the sexual assault allegations against Minnesota Democratic Senator Al Franken. The Minnesota Democrat was accused of groping and kissing a reporter without her consent.

In response, some Democratic lawmakers quickly distanced themselves by donating campaign contributions from Al Franken to charity. Senator Claire McCaskill donated her $30,000 in Franken cash to Missouri food banks while Senator Tammy Baldwin donated $20,000 to a group benefiting women veterans in Wisconsin.

But what are Illinois Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth doing with their campaign contributions from Al Franken? They’re keeping his dirty money. Both have received $5,000 and $21,000, respectively, but they’ve been silent on whether or not they will return the money or give it away to Illinois charities.

Durbin and Duckworth didn’t hesitate to call Franken’s actions “wrong” and “unacceptable,’ but they stopped short of putting their money where their mouth is. Dick Durbin even dodged questions on whether Al Franken should resign and hasn’t said a word about what he will do with his campaign cash from Franken.

For Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, it’s all about the money, regardless of who gets hurt.


Dick Durbin, Tammy Duckworth Still Mum On Returning Campaign Cash from Al Franken

Since sexual assault allegations against Franken broke late last week, big name Democrats who have received donations from his PAC have returned the money

Following the sexual assault allegations against Minnesota Senator Al Franken, many Democrats who have received money from Franken’s PAC, Midwest Values, have donated the money to charity.

Sen. Claire McCaskill, who has received $30,000 in donations from Franken since 2006, has given that money to Missouri Food banks.

Sen. Jon Tester donated his $25,000 of Franken money to a Montana organization against sexual violence and harassment.

Sen. Sherrod Brown’s campaign has vowed to donate the $28,100 received from Franken to various charities.

Sen. Tammy Baldwin, who received $20,000 from Franken, is donating it to a group for women veterans in Wisconsin.

Congressional candidate and State Rep. Abby Finkenauer has vowed to return the $1,500 she received from the Franken PAC.

Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth have both received $21,000 and $5,000, respectively, from the Franken PAC, yet neither of them have returned the money or announced any plans to.

Why are Durbin and Duckworth keeping Franken’s dirty money? Both should put their money where their mouth is and either return or donate all campaign cash received from Franken. Actions speak louder than words.


Durbin and Duckworth Should Immediately Give Away Money Received From Al Franken

Following allegations and a photograph of his sexual misconduct, Durbin and Duckworth have yet to take action on campaign cash from Franken

“Calls for an investigation are not enough. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth should put their money where their mouth is and immediately give away the dirty money they’ve received from Al Franken. Some of their Democratic peers in the Senate have already taken action and given away the campaign contributions. It’s time for Durbin and Duckworth to do the same.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

Following reports on Thursday of sexual harassment levied against U.S. Senator Al Franken, Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth have not taken any definitive action to distance themselves from his alleged actions.

Early Thursday, allegations surfaced that Al Franken kissed and groped a woman without consent in 2006. Released along with Leeann Tweeden’s allegations was a photograph of Franken groping Tweeden as she slept.

Since the allegations surfaced, numerous Democrats have spoken out, denouncing Franken and giving away campaign cash received from Franken to charitable organizations.

Durbin and Duckworth, though tweeting their support for an ethics investigation, have yet to give away the money they received from Franken, unlike their counterpart in Wisconsin, Tammy Baldwin. Durbin and Duckworth have received $5,000 and $21,000 in campaign contributions from Franken, respectively.

The Illinois Republican Party is calling on Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth to follow the example of their peers and immediately give away the campaign cash they received from Al Franken.
