Pritzker Adds Fuel To The Hyper-Partisanship He Claims He’s Trying To Prevent

Governor Pritzker’s use of his inherited wealth and status to disrupt the democratic process in Illinois knows no limits.

In 2018, Pritzker pledged to the Illinois people that he would veto any partisan drawn legislative redistricting map and said the General Assembly should “amend the constitution to create an independent commission to draw legislative maps.” Instead, Pritzker broke his commitment to vetoing a gerrymandered map by signing the current, hyper-partisan legislative map making no efforts to create a non-partisan remapping process.

In 2022, Pritzker believed he was entitled to choose his preferred GOP candidate in the general election, spending $30M meddling in the Republican Primary.

This year,  Pritzker and the Illinois Democrats are, again, using his inherited wealth to disrupt the democratic process and insert partisan politics into Illinois’ historically, non-partisan municipal elections. This time, under false pretenses, Illinois Democrats are spending hundreds of thousands of Pritzker dollars in paid advertising to try to stack our local governments with leftist, hyper-partisan elected officials.

“Pritzker’s track record is clear. He misleads the people of Illinois with claims of bipartisanship while using his inherited wealth to actively undermine non-partisan local government,” said Chairman Don Tracy. “These local races are focused on the non-partisan local workings of municipal government and ensuring parents have a voice in their children’s education. Pritzker is bankrolling hyper-partisan politics into our local government and communities.”
