Share the article: Londrigan Is Deceiving IL-13 Voters About Her Connections To What She Calls “Big, Secret Money”

“Betsy Dirksen Londrigan can’t have it both ways. She can’t condemn ‘big, secret money’ and then turn around and take campaign cash from ‘big, secret’ corporate lobbyists and Washington, D.C.-based PACs, but Londrigan is doing it anyway because she thinks she can deceive enough voters to win. Betsy Dirksen Londrigan is the worst kind of hyprocrital politician, one who says one thing and does another just to get elected.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

In another episode of Betsy Dirksen Londrigan’s “say one thing and do another” campaign for Congress, Londrigan recently touted her endorsement from End Citizens United PAC. In the press release, Londrigan condemned “big, secret money” in politics, but failed to disclose to voters her close ties to the “big, secret money” her campaign has received from corporate lobbyists and Washington, D.C.-based PACs.


Here are a few facts that show Londrigan is being dishonest with 13th District voters:

  • Corporate lobbyists are funding Londrigan’s campaign – Londrigan’s campaign has received donations from her husband’s lobbying firm, McGuireWoods, which has an abundance of corporate clients, including health insurance companies and advocacy groups, a student loan trade association, several energy companies, including Halliburton, and gaming companies.
  • Londrigan raised money for Dick Durbin – Prior to running for Congress, Londrigan raised money for Dick Durbin, working hand in hand and personally benefiting from corporate money she now suddenly wants to eliminate.
  • Londrigan has the support of Nancy Pelosi – At the same time she was condemning corporate money, she was in Washington, D.C. accepting corporate money at a fundraiser hosted by the DCCC and Nancy Pelosi.
  • A D.C.-based PAC bankrolled Londrigan’s primary campaign – An outside group in DC, called EMILY’s List, dumped nearly $200,000 into the 13th District to help her win her primary.
  • Londrigan has accepted more PAC money than any 13th District Democrat – Londrigan took more than $50,000 in special interest money during her primary – more than any of her four opponents.

This is not the first time Londrigan has tried to trick voters. Last year, she falsely accused Congressman Davis of saying he did not want women hired on Capitol Hill. In fact, her hometown newspaper, The State Journal-Register,  gave her a “thumbs down” for her comments and also later stated, “We worry that she is letting partisanship trump accuracy.”


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