J.B. Pritzker Falsely Says He Compromised With Republicans On Minimum Wage Hike

Pritzker: “We listened to [Republicans] and included many of their ideas in [the minimum wage legislation]”


“Governor Pritzker is misleading the people of Illinois about his minimum wage plan by falsely claiming it’s the product of compromise and Republican input, even though no Republicans support it. If Pritzker thinks it’s a ‘Republican idea’ to phase in the wage hike over six years as opposed to three or enact insufficient tax credits for small business, he’s wrong. Pritzker pledged to listen to Republicans and compromise, but it turns out those were just empty, meaningless words.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot


Governor Pritzker is falsely claiming that his minimum wage plan is the product of bipartisan compromise and Republican input.

From Governor Pritzker’s press conference yesterday:

“We brought all the parties together, including Republicans, and we listened to them and included many of their ideas in [the minimum wage legislation]. There were people who wanted a three-year ramp to 15 dollars. It’s six-years. That’s quite the compromise… We listened to all parties and made sure we had a bill that is a compromise of interests.”

Republican State Senators have suggested the minimum wage rate vary based on geographic region, cost of living, and other factors, but Pritzker has refused to incorporate those concerns. Republicans have also warned of the negative impacts employers, nursing homes, non-profits, colleges, local units of government, and others will face, yet Pritzker’s only response has been that his budget will address those some or all of those issues.

Additionally, groups that represent small businesses, like the Illinois Retail Merchants Association and the Illinois Hotel and Lodging Association, have offered an alternative proposal, yet Pritzker still refuses to compromise and insists that the Illinois House of Representatives pass the bill without any changes whatsoever.

Pritzker pledged to listen to Republicans and compromise on policy, but it turns out those were just empty, meaningless words. Pritzker’s reckless proposal will cost taxpayers and small businesses dearly, destroying jobs and government budgets along the way.


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