CHICAGO — As the Tim Mapes trial gets underway, let us remember: Mapes is accused of lying to federal agents and facing prison to protect Mike Madigan. The two of them oversaw multiple governmental and political entities that demanded blind loyalty from state legislators for more than 4 decades, made or broke careers of politicians based on their votes, and buried any dissent while helping their chosen few patsies rise to the highest levels of state government. From the Governor’s Administration to the House Floor, Illinois Democrats across this state have been tainted by Madigan and Mapes culture of corruption they created, and even now continue to shape Illinois policy even after their patriarch’s actions have been exposed to the public.
ILGOP Chairman Don Tracy issued the following statement:
“Madigan and Mapes controlled all the levers of power between the Speaker’s office and DPI. They decided how government and political money was allocated among legislators and areas of the state, cut out legislators that voted against them and elevated those that were loyal to them.
In this case, Mapes is accused of perjuring himself to stay loyal to Madigan. Madigan’s handpicked successor, Speaker Welch shut down the legislative committee established to investigate the crimes alleged against Madigan. These are not the actions of dedicated public servants, rather they are the actions of ambitious politicians putting their personal political careers above the public good.”