Chicago Teachers Union Being Unreasonable Again, Opposes Bipartisan Ed Funding Deal

CTU threatening lawsuit to block over $7 Billion in school funding over a 5-year, $75 million school choice pilot program for underprivileged schoolchildren

“The Chicago Teachers Union has a long history of brinkmanship and intransigence, and their refusal to accept the bipartisan school funding compromise is no different. CTU’s opposition to a five-year, $75 million tax credit scholarship pilot program is not only unreasonable, it puts the education of millions of Illinois schoolchildren at risk. We implore them to try something different for a change – be reasonable and support compromise. – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

The Chicago Teacher’s Union is threatening legal action over the new evidence-based school funding formula that received bipartisan support just because it contains Illinois’ first-ever school choice pilot program.

If successful, their latest temper tantrum would block Illinois schools from receiving over $7 billion dollars in state funding all in the name of brinkmanship and refusal to compromise.

Democrat gubernatorial candidates are already jumping on board with Chicago Teachers Union in yet another example of Chicago Democrats kowtowing to CTU regardless of how unreasonable they’re position is.

Daniel Biss and Pritzker-running mate Julianna Stratton actually voted against the school funding compromise, opting instead to protect the status quo and their own political interests.

J.B. Pritzker himself has said he would’ve voted no, and Chris Kennedy’s campaign has even been fundraising on taking educational opportunities away from underprivileged kids.

Once again, the Chicago Teachers Union says jump, and the Democrats ask ‘how high,’ all to the detriment of Illinois schoolchildren.


ICYMI: Rauner’s Big School Victory

Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Praises Illinois School Funding Compromise

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board released a piece praising Governor Rauner’s historic win to fund Illinois Schools. The bill includes Illinois’ first-ever Scholarship Tax Credit Program to help the neediest children in the state receive a quality education. One outlet has even said Illinois “will likely become the largest blue state to offer private school choice.”

Read some of the highlights from the Wall Street Journal’s editorial below:

Illinois residents have watched for years as their taxes go up while public services and schools deteriorate. But GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner will deliver Prairie Staters some good news Thursday by signing into law an inaugural state private-school choice program.

The Democratic legislature this week approved a $100 million tax-credit scholarship program along with a new school funding formula that provides an additional $450 million for the insolvent Chicago Public Schools. The Governor earlier this summer vetoed legislation that appropriated $300 million more for Chicago schools, but Democrats lacked the votes to override him.

Mr. Rauner demanded a private school tax-credit scholarship program in return for his signature, and Democrats ultimately conceded despite union protests. Illinois businesses and individuals will receive a 75% tax credit for donations that support scholarships for low-income kids to attend private schools.

…Unions howled that the tax-credit program will undermine public schools. But public schools won’t lose any money, and $100 million is a pittance compared to the $8.2 billion the state will spend on public education this year or the $5 billion in income and corporate tax hikes that Democrats passed last month over Mr. Rauner’s veto.

…After the state House approved the tax-credit scholarships, the Chicago Teachers Union declared that the “Illinois Democratic Party has crossed a line which no spin or talk of ‘compromise’ can ever erase.” Sounds like the good guys won for a change.



ICYMI: Republican-backed School Funding Compromise Brings Historic Change to Illinois Schools

Republicans, Rauner pick up Democrats’ slack, push bill over the finish line


Governor Bruce Rauner vowed to quickly sign the compromise school funding bill passed yesterday in the Illinois Senate. The bill brings historic education reform to Illinois, including our state’s first-ever school choice scholarship program to provide children in need with a true choice in education.

Gov. Rauner and Republican lawmakers picked up the Democrats’ slack, delivering nearly as many votes as Democrats in the House despite having sixteen fewer members.

Take a look at some of the coverage:
State Journal-Register: Rauner visits schools to celebrate funding compromise

“This is a wonderful day,” said Rauner, joined by some legislators. “And tomorrow, we’re going to sign this new law that says from now on, we’re going to fund our schools fairly, and the same for all kids, regardless of where they live, regardless of how much money their parents have. It’s a really big day and it’s a very historic time for Illinois.”

“This is a compromise,” Rauner told reporters, explaining his support. He added that it “reflects many of the goals that I have recommended,” including creating of a commission to analyze the tax increment financing districts and their “excessive use that diverts money from our schools and our teachers.”
Politico: Illinois overhauls system for funding public schools

“For far too long, too many low-income students in our state have been trapped in underfunded, failing schools,” the governor said in a statement. “The system needed to change. We have changed it. We have put aside our differences and put our kids first. It’s a historic day for Illinois.”

“Our leaders worked together to provide school-choice protection for parents who want the best education possible for their children,” Rauner said. “This is accomplished by ensuring that district-authorized charter schools receive equal funding, and by providing families with limited financial resources the same access to private schools. The Tax Credit Scholarship program encourages individuals and businesses to enable families to choose the school that best meets the needs of their children.”

Herald Whig: Local school officials pleased money is coming

“We’re very happy about the funding formula that was passed. It’s the most fair system the state of Illinois has had in the last 30 years,” Webb said. “It’s going to work real well for QPS.”

Pikeland Superintendent Paula Hawley called it “a step in the right direction for how schools are funded in Illinois.”

The Senate voted 38-13 to send the measure to Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner, who has said he’ll sign it quickly to get money to districts starting a new school year.

Rauner’s signature should clear the way for the state to make payments to school districts that already have been allocated. Those general state aid payments — $1 million per month for QPS and about $400,000 a month for Pikeland — were missed for the first time ever in August while legislators worked on a compromise.

WTTW: ‘Historic’ Education Funding Bill Heads to Gov. Rauner

In exchange, Republicans say schools will better be able to save money through a streamlined process of getting a reprieve from state mandates.

Furthermore, Rauner, an advocate of school choice, can declare a win with the establishment of a fund that will give an estimated 6,000 to 10,000 low-income children scholarships to attend private school, to be paid for by private donations in exchange for state tax credits up to $100 million.

Chicago Tribune: Two million reasons to vote ‘yes’

The proposal would fund schools for the current fiscal year. It would pump additional money to schools through a new mathematical formula. It would create a program for low- and middle-income families to access privately-raised donations for tuition scholarships. Those key components present a trifecta of opportunity for the state’s 2 million public school children. In other words, 2 million reasons for lawmakers to vote “yes.”

Voting against the proposal would be a vote for the status quo: No additional money for schools. No relaxation of reliance on property taxes. No escape route for kids trapped in poorly-performing schools.
Chicago Sun-Times: Education bill heads to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s desk after Senate passage

The Illinois Senate on Tuesday approved a “compromise” school funding bill in what’s being called a historic move towards reforming the way the state funds public education.

But it was the inclusion of a private school scholarship and tax credit program within the deal that took up most of the debate — both on the House floor on Monday and the Senate floor on Tuesday. Gov. Bruce Rauner will sign the measure on Thursday, according to his office.


ICYMI: Republican-backed School Funding Compromise Brings Historic Change to Illinois Schools

Republicans, Rauner pick up Democrats’ slack, push bill over the finish line


Governor Bruce Rauner vowed to quickly sign the compromise school funding bill passed yesterday in the Illinois Senate. The bill brings historic education reform to Illinois, including our state’s first-ever school choice scholarship program to provide children in need with a true choice in education.

Gov. Rauner and Republican lawmakers picked up the Democrats’ slack, delivering nearly as many votes as Democrats in the House despite having sixteen fewer members.

Take a look at some of the coverage:
State Journal-Register: Rauner visits schools to celebrate funding compromise

“This is a wonderful day,” said Rauner, joined by some legislators. “And tomorrow, we’re going to sign this new law that says from now on, we’re going to fund our schools fairly, and the same for all kids, regardless of where they live, regardless of how much money their parents have. It’s a really big day and it’s a very historic time for Illinois.”

“This is a compromise,” Rauner told reporters, explaining his support. He added that it “reflects many of the goals that I have recommended,” including creating of a commission to analyze the tax increment financing districts and their “excessive use that diverts money from our schools and our teachers.”
Politico: Illinois overhauls system for funding public schools

“For far too long, too many low-income students in our state have been trapped in underfunded, failing schools,” the governor said in a statement. “The system needed to change. We have changed it. We have put aside our differences and put our kids first. It’s a historic day for Illinois.”

“Our leaders worked together to provide school-choice protection for parents who want the best education possible for their children,” Rauner said. “This is accomplished by ensuring that district-authorized charter schools receive equal funding, and by providing families with limited financial resources the same access to private schools. The Tax Credit Scholarship program encourages individuals and businesses to enable families to choose the school that best meets the needs of their children.”

Herald Whig: Local school officials pleased money is coming

“We’re very happy about the funding formula that was passed. It’s the most fair system the state of Illinois has had in the last 30 years,” Webb said. “It’s going to work real well for QPS.”

Pikeland Superintendent Paula Hawley called it “a step in the right direction for how schools are funded in Illinois.”

The Senate voted 38-13 to send the measure to Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner, who has said he’ll sign it quickly to get money to districts starting a new school year.

Rauner’s signature should clear the way for the state to make payments to school districts that already have been allocated. Those general state aid payments — $1 million per month for QPS and about $400,000 a month for Pikeland — were missed for the first time ever in August while legislators worked on a compromise.

WTTW: ‘Historic’ Education Funding Bill Heads to Gov. Rauner

In exchange, Republicans say schools will better be able to save money through a streamlined process of getting a reprieve from state mandates.

Furthermore, Rauner, an advocate of school choice, can declare a win with the establishment of a fund that will give an estimated 6,000 to 10,000 low-income children scholarships to attend private school, to be paid for by private donations in exchange for state tax credits up to $100 million.

Chicago Tribune: Two million reasons to vote ‘yes’

The proposal would fund schools for the current fiscal year. It would pump additional money to schools through a new mathematical formula. It would create a program for low- and middle-income families to access privately-raised donations for tuition scholarships. Those key components present a trifecta of opportunity for the state’s 2 million public school children. In other words, 2 million reasons for lawmakers to vote “yes.”

Voting against the proposal would be a vote for the status quo: No additional money for schools. No relaxation of reliance on property taxes. No escape route for kids trapped in poorly-performing schools.
Chicago Sun-Times: Education bill heads to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s desk after Senate passage

The Illinois Senate on Tuesday approved a “compromise” school funding bill in what’s being called a historic move towards reforming the way the state funds public education.

But it was the inclusion of a private school scholarship and tax credit program within the deal that took up most of the debate — both on the House floor on Monday and the Senate floor on Tuesday. Gov. Bruce Rauner will sign the measure on Thursday, according to his office.


J.B. Pritzker Kicks Off “Think Big” Bus Tour with Mike Madigan in the Driver’s Seat

Pritzker “thinks big” by supporting Madigan’s big 32% tax hike and other taxes on Illinois families

“If J.B. Pritzker were an honest politician, he would dub his upcoming road trip the ‘Tax Hike’ tour, but he only has snake oil to sell to Illinois families. Even before Pritzker and Madigan got their 32% tax hike enacted into law, Pritzker supported other big tax hikes on Illinois families. With tax hikes like these, it’s clear Madigan is in the driver’s seat on the Pritzker campaign bus.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

Today, Madigan ally and Democrat candidate for governor J.B. Pritzker plans to kick off his “Think Big” bus tour across Illinois. Just how exactly does Pritzker think big? By supporting Mike Madigan’s big 32% tax hike, of course.

When Pritzker isn’t “[throwing] rose petals in Madigan’s path,” he’s pushing Madigan’s tax hikes and his “pro-Chicago,” no reform agenda,

But even before Pritzker got his big, Madigan-backed, 32% tax hike enacted into law, he supported other big tax hikes.

This past April, Pritzker made it clear that he supports a substantial increase in the state income taxes and said the state income tax should be increased to at least 5 percent, perhaps higher.

Later in May, Pritzker’s campaign backed a plan to “tax all federally-taxable retirement income.

And while J.B. Pritzker has been pushing tax hikes on Illinois families, he’s cutting deals with crooked Cook County insiders to get his own property taxes lowered, even as he opposes a property tax freeze.

With tax hikes like these, it’s clear Madigan is in the driver’s seat on the Pritzker campaign bus.

Here’s a live look at Madigan and Pritzker departing Chicago:


Illinois Law Enforcement Supports TRUST Act

SB 31 helps local police focus on their sworn police duties, keeping all Illinois communities safe

Today, Governor Rauner signed Senate Bill 31, the TRUST Act, into law. This legislation empowers local law enforcement to focus on their sworn police duties and go after dangerous criminal offenders, keeping our communities safe.

Here’s what law enforcement leaders have to say about the TRUST Act: 

“Don’t believe what you may be hearing – this is not a sanctuary state bill! I would never support that. This is a good bill that will make Illinois a safer place. Law enforcement must use every tool available in order to protect our communities from the true predators on the street. The relationships built because of this bill will give police officers and investigators a much better chance at convincing victims and witnesses of violent crime to come forward.” – Republican Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran

“I embrace this bill because it allows law enforcement to do their jobs better and in a safer environment, plain and simple. It does not make Illinois a sanctuary state, and it does not conflict with federal efforts aimed at sanctuary cities. Law enforcement put their lives on the line every day. This bill simply gives police another tool to protect our communities and find the people who have committed serious crimes by encouraging victims and witnesses to come forward and cooperate with law enforcement.”  – Republican Lake County State’s Attorney Mike Nerheim

“Don’t believe a lot of what you’re hearing about the Illinois Trust Act, which Governor Rauner will sign into law Monday (SB 31 HA3).

“It will not make Illinois a ‘sanctuary state.’ Not even close, despite what some critics and headlines are saying. So don’t worry, it’s not happening. We are pleased that Governor Rauner [signed] the bill.” – Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police

Last week, Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mark Brown interviewed Republican Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran on why he supports the TRUST Act:

…Curran runs the third largest sheriff’s department in Illinois in a county that is roughly 20 percent Latino.

Elected in 2006 as a Democrat, Curran switched to the Republican Party in 2008 and won re-election twice more.

Last year he ran as a Marco Rubio delegate to the Republican National Convention but in the end voted for Donald Trump for president to keep Democrats from controlling the Supreme Court.

Most important for our purposes today, he is a committed supporter of immigration reform and to limiting the role of local police in immigration enforcement — another complete switcheroo from when he came into office as a self-described “hard-liner.”

That makes Curran one of the key supporters of legislation Gov. Bruce Rauner intends to sign Monday that would restrict how local police interact with federal immigration authorities.

…In addition, the TRUST Act would prevent local police from stopping, searching or arresting anyone based on their immigration or citizenship status.

Again, that’s already how it’s done in Lake County, Curran said.

…“If you’re pro-life, this is a life issue,” Curran said. “It’s not simply the unborn child. It’s the dignity of the human being. These are people number one. At that point in time, I knew I was totally wrong.”

Separating police work from immigration enforcement also makes sense from a law enforcement perspective, he said.

…“In order to police these communities, protect these communities from the true predators, you have to be able to pull up with lights and all and not have widespread fear and panic among citizens that really have nothing to do with the crime.”

Consider the source. A good one.


ICYMI: “Rauner signs police pension reform bill”

Rauner Continuing Push to Reform Illinois

Yesterday, Governor Bruce Rauner signed bipartisan legislation to protect taxpayers by stopping police pension double dipping.

It’s another example of Rauner’s push to reform Illinois and protect taxpayers.

Daily Herald: Rauner signs police pension reform bill
Thursday, Gov. Bruce Rauner signed legislation that outlaws a practice he described as “double dipping.”
Previously, police officers could work for 30 years, retire at 50, begin receiving pension benefits equal to 75 percent of their final salary, then take a new law enforcement job somewhere else and start building a second pension. Commonly, these retired police officers take leadership posts in another department.

Naperville Sun: Rauner signs ‘double-dipping’ pension bill linked to Naperville police chief
Legislation to prevent law enforcement officers from retiring, collecting a pension and then returning to active police duty to earn a second pension was signed into law Thursday by Gov. Bruce Rauner at the Naperville Municipal Center.
The measure, sponsored by state Rep. Grant Wehrli, R-Naperville, and state Sen. Michael Connelly, R-Lisle, stops the practice known as “double dipping.” It was triggered, in part, by Naperville Police Chief Robert Marshall, who retired after 28 years with the Naperville Police Department only to return seven years later as its top administrator.
… The legislation received bi-partisan support from the General Assembly and begins to address Illinois’ mounting pension problems, Wehrli said.

CBS St. Louis: Gov. Rauner Signs Police Pension Bill
Governor Bruce Rauner signs a new law to help prevent the “double dipping” of pensions in Illinois.



ICYMI – Rauner Signs More Criminal Justice Reforms

Proves Bipartisan Cooperation Possible in Illinois

Yesterday Governor Bruce Rauner signed six criminal justice reform bills into law, adding to the Governor’s already impressive record of bipartisan cooperation on criminal justice issues.

Check out the coverage:

KFVS: Rauner signs 6 bills to give second chances
The signed bills will help offenders obtain jobs and safe housing, and as a long term result it help decrease prison population.

Rauner goal is to reduce the prison population by 25 percent by 2025.

WAND: Governor: New laws help ‘broken’ criminal justice system
One of my most important goals since taking office has been to fix our broken criminal justice system,” Gov. Rauner said. “Our work is far from over, but these bills are a step in the right direction toward reducing recidivism and giving people a second chance at life.”

House Bill 698 allows prisoners to learn business skills while serving prison time. They include computer skills, budgeting, goal setting, public speaking and business plan creation. To be eligible for the five-year pilot program, prisoners must not have major sex offense convictions.

… House Bill 1688 removes licensing barriers that stand in the way of ex-offenders who want to apply for job opportunities.

House Bill 2373 allows for records to be sealed in cases where a charged person is allowed an order of supervision for non-violent and non-sexual crimes. In a similar measure, House Bill 514 allows records to be sealed for charges that lead to acquittal or dismissal.

Senate Bill 1781 waives a $120 fee aimed toward ex-offenders in Cook County as they apply to get records cleared. It applies to people whose charges end up dropped. Finally, House Bill 3817 carries a similar measure, making it easier for minors to have their records erased.



ICYMI: “4 Top Legislative Leaders, Rauner Reach ‘Historic’ School Funding Reform”

Plan Includes School Choice, Proves Bipartisanship Still Possible

Yesterday, Governor Rauner, House and Senate Republicans, and House and Senate Democrats announced a compromise plan to pass historic education funding reform.

It proves that bipartisanship is still possible in Illinois.

And thanks to strong negotiations led by House GOP Leader Jim Durkin and Senate GOP Leader Bill Brady, Illinois is now poised to have a school choice program for the first time – something the Chicago Teachers Union is not happy about.

More coverage on the education plan:
NBC Chicago: 4 Top Legislative Leaders, Rauner Reach ‘Historic’ School Funding Reform
The Illinois Republican House and Senate announced Thursday that the four top legislative leaders and Gov. Bruce Rauner have reached a “historic” school funding reform.

ABC 7 Chicago: Legislative leaders, governor reach ‘agreement in principle’ on school funding reform
The governor’s office released a statement, saying, “Governor Rauner applauds the four leaders in coming to a consensus on historic school funding reform that reflects the work of the School Funding Reform Commission. He thanks them for their leadership and looks forward to the coming days when the legislation is passed by both chambers.”

Daily Herald: State leaders say they’ve got a deal on school funding reform
The Chicago Sun-Times reported that one source said a scholarship program to provide tuition help for parents of children in private schools, through vouchers, was part of the deal. Cardinal Blase Cupich and other religious leaders had lobbied hard for the tax credits — $75 million for donors to the pilot program — long sought by parochial schools.


Surprise!! Madigan Patronage Chief Endorses Pritzker

Jesse White Endorsement is More Proof Madigan Backs Pritzker

“Jesse White is Mike Madigan’s top patronage chief, using the Secretary of State’s office as a jobs machine for Madigan allies. J.B. Pritzker’s willingness to accept the endorsement of the Speaker’s top patronage chief is just another sign that Mike Madigan is orchestrating Pritzker’s nomination.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Steven Yaffe

Jesse White is a Madigan ally through and through – and now he’s supporting J.B. Pritzker.

Just this month, Jesse White broke his promise to not run for re-election after Madigan worked to change his mind.

Madigan likes White because he is well known for a “pattern of patronage” in his office. Mike Madigan relies on patronage for his political machine.

J.B. Pritzker’s willingness to accept a Jesse White endorsement is even more proof that he would give the Governor’s office back to Mike Madigan.

