Share the article: Illinois Republican Party Opposes Pritzker’s Reckless Minimum Wage Plan, Citing Huge Cost To Taxpayers, Small Business

Taxpayers will pay at least an additional $1 billion a year in increased spending by the time the plan is fully implemented, and that’s a low estimate


“Did Governor Pritzker have any intention to return to the ‘agreed-bill’ process? On his first major legislative initiative, that answer is a hard no. This is the same failed form of governing that put Illinois in the poor fiscal condition it’s in. Pritzker is ignoring the concerns of Republican lawmakers and business leaders as he attempts to ram through legislation that would nearly double the state’s minimum wage just so he can chalk up a ‘win’ before his budget address, but at what cost?

“Pritzker’s minimum wage hike will crush small businesses and will cost taxpayers at least a billion dollars a year once the plan is fully implemented, and that’s not even a complete estimate. Pritzker’s administration has not disclosed the full amount of increased spending his wage hike would require. Pritzker’s reckless budgeting will cost taxpayers and small businesses dearly. It is yet another Pritzker proposal that will bankrupt Illinois.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

Moments ago, the Illinois State Senate voted on a partisan basis to raise the state’s minimum wage to $15/hour. No Democrats voted against the measure.

In early December of last year, the Chicago Tribune reported that a “confidant” of Governor J.B. Pritzker said Pritzker would like to return to the “agreed-bill” process, where all stakeholders on an issue reach a compromise on legislation before it moves forward for passage in the General Assembly.

It turns out that was only talk from Pritzker. He, along with Democratic lawmakers, have so far ignored the concerns of the business community and Republican lawmakers on his first major legislative initiative to nearly double the state’s minimum.

Pritzker has shown no interest in compromise. He has set an arbitrary political deadline of February 20th, the day of his first Budget Address, for passage his minimum wage plan. Pritzker is attempting to ram through this hugely consequential piece of legislation just so he can chalk up a “win” before his first big speech.

The plan has huge consequences for Illinois taxpayers and small businesses:

Capitol News Illinois: Leaked Pritzker memo details minimum wage increase

“…making the total annual cost of the wage increase about $1.1 billion annually by [FY2026]”

Illinois News Network: Minimum wage increase will cost taxpayers in all levels of government

“During a House hearing on the issue, representatives asked staff from the governor’s office if he’ll include the tens of millions of estimated additional costs to taxpayers from an increase in the minimum wage. They couldn’t immediately say.”

Pritzker’s administration has not disclosed a complete estimate of the total increase in spending his wage hike would require. It does not include increased costs other government programs, public universities, community colleges, counties, towns, park districts, and all other units of local government will face.

Pritzker’s reckless budgeting will cost taxpayers and small businesses dearly. It is yet another Pritzker proposal that will bankrupt Illinois.


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