ILGOP Blasts Harmon’s Non-Response on Hastings Scandals

Earlier today, ILGOP Republican Party Chairman Don Tracy renewed his calls for State Senator Michael Hastings to resign after new details came out regarding domestic abuse allegations from his ex-wife. Further, he called on Senate President Don Harmon to join Governor Pritzker in issuing the same call, for Hastings to resign. Harmon responded:

“There have been a series of troubling elements brought light by Senator Hastings’ ongoing personal divorce case.

Accusations of domestic violence are to be taken seriously. I took immediate action to remove him from Senate leadership given the circumstances. The situation remains under review.

This week, I asked my staff to reach out to Senator Hastings regarding his ethical disclosure filings and to recommend he update them if needed. At first glance, it appears this situation may very well highlight how ineffective the previous forms were and why Illinois Senate Democrats led efforts to update them and make them relevant.

Good government practices built around meaningful ethical disclosure and a safe workplace are necessary steps toward rebuilding public trust in state government.”

ILGOP Chairman Don Tracy blasted Harmon’s weak response and the culture it fosters:

Since 2019, four members of the Illinois State Senate have been indicted or convicted on corruption charges, with others under investigation. Meanwhile, the Senate President dithers and dodges to avoid upsetting his caucus,” said ILGOP Chairman Don Tracy. “The Hastings’ saga is yet another case of silence for the sake of political expediency. Mike Madigan might be gone from the General Assembly however, his spirit remains alive and well in the State Senate.”

Harmon said of Hastings in July of 2021 after Hastings dropped out of the race for Secretary of State, “Though I am saddened the people of Illinois won’t benefit from the leadership and dedication to working families Senator Mike Hastings would bring to the office of Secretary of State, I’m happy that the people of the 19th District and our colleagues in the Senate Democratic Caucus will continue to have him fighting for Democratic values in the General Assembly.”
